Evolution Mining Limited (ASX:EVN) has completed a nine hole drilling program at the Cloncurry North Project (Evolution earning 80%) during the December quarter, testing geophysical targets under sedimentary cover. Full assay results are expected during the March 2025 quarter.
27 December 2024
Red Fox Resources advises that Director Dr Leon Pretorius has stepped down from the Red Fox board but remains a significant shareholder in the company.
Evolution Mining Limited (ASX:EVN) has commenced drilling at the Cloncurry North Project under the Earn-In & Joint Venture Agreement with Red Fox Resources. Drilling of nine diamond drill holes is planned for this field season (weather dependent). Targets have been developed using a detailed gravity survey completed by the Joint Venture earlier this year combined with previously available detailed aeromagnetic and electrical geophysical data. Targets have a variety of gravity/magnetic signatures in an area where there has been limited previous drilling. Further information is expected in future periods, as the JV works program progresses.
Evolution Mining has updated progress on the Cloncurry North Project with Red Fox Resources. Evolution recently acquired high-resolution gravity data at the project, identifying new untested drill targets in the same rocks hosting copper and gold mineralisation at Ernest Henry and with a similar geophysical signature. Drilling is planned to commence on these target areas during the September 2024 quarter.
Red Fox has updated details of the Selwyn Project based on field activities in 2023 and ongoing data compilation in 2024. Significant advances in the understanding of the project area have been made.
Red Fox has acquired five additional EPMs in the Selwyn district, south of Cloncurry at little cost. In addition to the four Red Fox EPMs in the area the project area now covers 443km2. Assessment of the areas has commenced.
17 January 2024
Red Fox has signed an $8M Earn In agreement with Evolution Mining over the Cloncurry North Project, three Red Fox EPMs in close proximity to the Ernest Henry Mine.
27 January 2023
Update on funding – Red Fox has been re-imbursed the full amount of the Eveleigh CEI Grant.
9 January 2023
Red Fox has completed a diamond drilling program of 5 holes at the Eveleigh Zinc project. Four holes returned significant but sub-economic zinc mineralisation. Best result of 3m @ 3% Zn was intersected in EVDD2202. Zones of up to 21m of zinc mineralisation were intersected however the controls on mineralisation are not understood.
30 September 2022
Red Fox is pleased to announce that activities for the Eveleigh Zinc diamond drill program have commenced. The drilling program is being supported by a Round 6 Collaborative Exploration Initiative (CEI) grant from the Queensland Government.
3 August 2022
All tenements in the Red Fox Selwyn Project, located south of Cloncurry, have now been granted. The three newly granted tenements, along with the granted Mt Carol tenement (EPM 26571) increase Red Fox’ holdings in the area from 108 sq km to 331.5 sq km.
30 May 2022
Red Fox has returned significant gold results from recent field work at GW Gossan in the Cloncurry district of NW QLD. Gold values, in rock chip samples up to 17g/t Au with associated anomalous cobalt, bismuth, molybdenum and tungsten values were received. The work has extended the known mineralisation to at least 3km of strike. Soil values up to 1.05g/t Au were also returned.
04 April 2022
Red Fox has commenced its 2022 field season with work at the Eveleigh Zinc-Lead-Silver and Butchers Bore Gold Projects. Field work will consist of mapping and geochemical sampling, ahead of proposed drilling due to commence in mid 2022.
17 February 2022
Red Fox awarded two grants for drilling from the QLD Government under Round 6 of the Collaborative Exploration Initiative (CEI) Funding. At Eveleigh ($200,000 grant) drilling will test a potential silver-lead-zinc target and at Ernest Henry West ($120,000 grant) drilling will test an IOCG (copper-gold) target. Drilling is expected to be carried out in early to mid 2022.
14 February 2022
Red Fox has received results from a field program at Copper Creek carried out late last year. Work has identified copper anomalous soil anomaly over 2.2km with a strong central zone over 1km associated with probably sodic alteration. Previous rock samples from this zone returned up to 3.29% Cu and 0.32g/t Au.
3 February 2022
Red Fox has received results from a field program at Butchers Bore carried out late last year. Work has identified gold values up to 3.86g/t Au from a structure defined over 700m with soil anomalies open to the west, east and south.
15 November 2021
Red Fox has completed a gravity survey at Camel Bore Prospect in its Selwyn Project, northwest Queensland. The survey has defined a large gravity anomaly within the prospective stratigraphy. This is interpreted to represent a body of significant density contrast to the surrounding meta-sediments.
14 October 2021
Red Fox acquires additional EPMs in Selwyn district targeting Cu/Au and base metals. Highlighting the Jasper Ridge prospect where shallow intersections of copper-lead-zinc and cobalt mineralisation have been made by previous explorers in holes with maximum depth of 80m.
11 October 2021
Work program progressing at Butchers Bore project, Cloncurry district.
14 June 2021
Drilling results from the recently completed drilling at Gipsy Creek Project were disappointing. Results from all drill holes completed announced.
31 May 2021
Rio Tinto Exploration Pty Ltd have advised their withdrawal from the Ernest Henry South Farm-In effective 10 June 2021.
26 May 2021
Drilling has been completed at the Gipsy Creek project in the Ernest Henry area in northwest Queensland. Logging and sampling of the core is in progress. Results are expected in a couple of weeks.
26 April 2021
Drilling has commenced at Gipsy Creek project in the Ernest Henry area in northwest Queensland. Three holes are planned, funded by a QLD Government CEI grant. The program is expected to take several weeks to complete.
10 February 2021
Drilling results at Ernest Henry South disappointing. Results of seven hole program drilled by the joint venture partner Rio Tinto in late 2020
16 November 2020
Red Fox appoints new Director to the Board
3 November 2020
$600,000 placement by Chase Mining Corporation Limited
October 2020
Portfolio Update here
September 2020
Red Fox and its joint venture partner Rio Tinto Exploration will soon commence drilling at Ernest Henry South Project in the Cloncurry district
July 2020
Red Fox awarded $190,000 grant from the Queensland Government to fund drill testing at the Gipsy Creek Copper-Gold Project
December 2019
Geophysical surveys at Ernest Henry South finished – results pending
May 2019
Rio Tinto Exploration farms in to Red Fox’s Ernest Henry South Project
December 2018
CEI grant awarded for geophysics at Ernest Henry South
November 2018
EPM 26872 (Gipsy Creek) granted
September 2018
EPM 26397 (Butchers Bore) granted
August 2018
EPM 26571 (Mt Carol) granted
May 2018
EPM 26332 (Ernest Henry South) granted
May 2018
EPM 26601 (Eveleigh) granted
April 2018
Cloncurry Magneto-Tellurics data released, significant target at Gipsy Creek